Flavor Note: Delicate Citrus Notes, light and pleasant 

Latin Name: Sideritis 

Greek Mountain Tea is the perfect pick-me-up for when you need to feel detoxed, clear and powerful. This valuable herb thrives on the rocky slopes of Northern Greece, and has been used for centuries for its cleansing properties and refreshing natural taste. It helps fight hypertension, and is highly tonic – meaning it'll give you the natural energy you need to take on the world (without the help of caffeine). Plus, it protects against common colds and strengthens the immune system, with anti-viral, anti-microbial, anti-bacterial actions. What more could you want in a tea?


• Rich in Vitamins, Minerals and Antioxidants

• Aids in digestion

• Soothes respiratory ailments

• No known side effects or precautions

*If pregnant or nursing always consult with a doctor first. 

FDA Disclaimer: While we are firm believers of the benefits of herbal teas and herbal products, we are not medical practioners and cannot diagnose or treat any disease.

